New Member, Male, from Surabaya
Face all problem with smile.. :D.. 25 June 2015
- ord_boy was last seen:
- 27 June 2015
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- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Surabaya
Facts of me (include motto):
- Face all problem with smile
- Bersyukur atas semua yang telah terjadi..
- I'm will be loyal.. if you are loyal.. B)
- I'm not as good as you think..
- This is me.. and I don't like to be others..
- I'm unique B) #lolkidding..
- I will help you.. even you don't need my help..
- I'm sorry that my words sometimes too sharp.. but this is for your goodness...
- I'm can be as good as brother... or as bad as evil.. or as cold as ice.. or as warm as fire..
Butuh temen curhat.. aku sedia bantu WA: 081231724154 di add ya.. wkwk.. kayak modus #lolInteract